Tag, I'm it!

LOL I've been tagged! Kathy from Kathat Stamps tagged me :) So here goes, a little ABC list to help you get to know me better!

A-Available or Taken: Taken

B-Best Friend: Sarah

C-Cake or Pie: Pie! Peach Pie to be exact!

D-Drink of Choice: Diet Citrus Drop (Kroger store brand Mountain Dew like soda)

E-Essential Item You Use Everyday: my computer for sure! I'd be lost without it!

F-Favorite Color: Certainly Celery and Pumpkin Pie (SU colors)

G-Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears

H-Hometown: Shillington, PA

I-Indulgence: White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

J-January or February: January (I don't "do" Valentine's Day LOL)

K-Kids and Names: Kendalyn 3.5

L-Life is Incomplete Without: My family and my friends

M-Marriage Date: September 18. 1999

N-Number of Siblings: one younger brother, Randy

O-Oranges or Apples: Apples

P-Phobias or Fears: Leeches *blech*

Q-Favorite Quote: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. " - Albus Dumbledore

R-Reason to Smile: My daughter! I love watching her grow and learn new things everyday!

S-Season: Fall, although it's all too short here in Central IL

T-Tag 3 or 4 people: Hmm lets see Sarah, Kurtis, and Barbra

U-Unknown fact about me: I had my hip replaced when I was 17 years old. (Ok so if you've been reading my blog you know this, but...)

V-Vegetable you don't like: Mushrooms (are they considered a veggie?)

W-Worst Habit: I bite 1 nail all the way down almost every time I go see a movie at the theater. I have no idea why.

X-Xrays: LOL should I list them by date??? I have had SO many X-Rays on my hip it's not even funny! Most recent one was Jan 3rd.

Y-Your fave food: Chinese Food

Z-Zodiac: I'm a scorpio


Welcome to my new an improved blog. I hope you can find something useful, insightful, humorous or just plain silly here. Enjoy!
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