Holy crap has it really been that long???

OK I just realized that I haven't posted here since April! Umm Ooops. Sorry about that.

Ok the last 3.5 months in a nutshell.

May - took K to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. She had a great time! We ate lunch at Phillips and that was a huge hit, of course K orders her normal kid type cuisine (hot dog if I remember correctly) but then decides to try my Crab cake. Guess which one she liked better??? Yup, my $15 crab cake LOL she even asked me if I would order her one. LOL

June - K finished kindergarten. WOW I can't believe how fast time has gone by. This was a tough month for me, I had to drive K out to spend the summer with her Dad. Divorce sucks sometimes. But she needs to see him too, so it's only fair. I get some much needed me time as well, so that's a good thing.

I went wine tasting with a friend from work, that was fun. I'd never been before and my experience with wine has been somewhat limited (ok non-existent!) LOL but I did find a few that I really liked. It was a neat experience, I think I'll do it again.

July - Work has been interesting. Since writing here last I have been with the 2 year olds. I was subbing for a girl who went on maternity leave early. I really enjoy working with the other teachers in this room and the kids are really fun. However the girl came back to work after the 4th and I am back to floating around in different rooms. While I like getting to know all the kids in the center, I did like having a set place to be each day.

I had a week off (no pay) this month. The center was closed for the 4th. While having the time off was nice, not getting a paycheck wasn't.

I went to Community Days a couple of times that week, and let me tell you it hasn't really changed since I was 13 LOL. I felt really out of place and WAY too old to be there. Now if I had K with me it would be different.

Went to some different wine shops with the same girl from work. We had a nice time. There were some really good wines (Berried in Chocolate :) ) and some very odd wines as well.

August - Now it's August and I really can't complain. We've had great weather so far this summer (knock on wood) I haven't even had my A/C units put in the windows yet! I get to pick up K in a couple of weeks, I can't wait.

So that's my summer so far. On the crating front, I haven't really done much. I'm making a Diaper Cake for the girl from work, her shower is this Thursday. Hopefully I can post a pic of that when it's done. It's gonna be really cute. I'll do a card to go along with that. I haven't stopped working on my Disney album, but I have slowed down a LOT. My main computer's mother board bit the dust a few weeks back and I've been using my laptop it's old and SSSSSLLLLOOOOWWWW, so I don't really like to use it, but at least it gets me online.

Ok well hopefully I'll be better at this blogging thing LOL we'll see. TTFN


Danita said...

Yay!! You live!! :-) I check here about once a week and was pleasantly surprised to discover a new post! Yippee!! I know you're excited to see K again soon! Give her a big hug from me. And here's one for you, too

Taylor said...

It's good to see you blogging again! I've been thinking about you lots!! {{{HUGS}}}

Welcome to my new an improved blog. I hope you can find something useful, insightful, humorous or just plain silly here. Enjoy!
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